Sunday, May 25, 2008

My second ring

Of course with better knowledge about constructing ring, this piece was a breeze from start to finish. It turned out very close to my visualisation, which I am very proud. I named it "Treasure of the deep". This is a solid construction with 18g silver square wire for the arms. Nothing is loose nor wiggly. I made it with the intention that it would withstand the daily wear and tear.

My first ring

I always wanted to do ring but never get around to do one. This ring turned out totally different from what I got in mind. During the course of construction, a few problems I could not conquer. Hence the change in design. I learnt a lots from it. Its experiences will definitely have great impact to my future ring.

Angel Wings

My most favourite piece so far. I am so emotionally attached to it probably because of so many unhappy things happened during its construction. It was my escape pod during those negative time. It was my personal protective angel.